NIAH Gang Murder was Set Up by Crush Bread | Thickman One Order Gang Retaliation Crush Bread is in line of sight for the Murder of 1 NIAH Gang.. Tiktoker/Artist NIAH did not deserve to go like that… &we scream for JUSTICE.. it Seems we are finally getting to that justice afterall…. Let us share & spread di word!! JUSTICE JUSTICE JUSTICE !!! CRUSH BREAD admitted to being a Fren killer & it’s obvious he’s still trying to talk himself out of the charges but he’s caught in his lie. Othniel THICKMAN Lobban the One order Gang Leader aka Daddy Badness has networks & people all over jamaica that Love him & look up to him… so.. all you smart officers shouldexpect reprisal & gang revenge… without a doubt… unless I’m just slow or somn… my bad!!! STILL…. In My Opinion… Thickman Retaliation Killings can be expected!!!! Do not play around with people’s lives… regardless of where they are from… REVENGE & REATALIATION… It’s a common thing in jamaica… especially among a angry group of people who feel betrayed & let down by the system. We must tread carefully & deal with people respectfully… regardless of their place.. financial status… or whaever! PLEASE WATCH LIKE SHARE SUB THANK YOU!!! iF U Do not see me LIVE on youtube as much.. I’m on TikTok!!