Systematic.. thoughts & actions that become repetitive.. even when it’s not right.. people loving things and using people doesn’t make sense.. people should always give true love and value to others instead of glorifying objects that will never fulfill the internal void that screams to be filled with universal consciousness, goodness and happiness of creator & creation all around.. men and their minds.. spreading deception to seem more powerful.. The truth is.. they who seem the most prepared.. Are the most scared.. because you can’t build a protective wall around life.. to truly be free and happy starts with the mind.. so the wicked could never be.. due to trifling activities.. The CHANGE that love brings.. Shows the only path to being truly FREE Is having love.. 4 U & Me. #INI


Those who try to play against the facts.. will be lost in the sauce.. Guaranteed if you don’t have consciousness around you.. or someone knowledgeable that can wake you out of your deep sleep.. your whole life will be in a wishing well.. instead of wishing well.. you’ll become a greedy, lustful, unsatisfied, unhappy.. glutton who can only see their own stomach, vanity, pretty clothes, cars.. & nothing else..NARCISSISTS
The #Programming to create mindless docile zombies is not what you think it is.. it is very subtle.. it is creeping.. giving you characters to imitate.. initiating you into programming your not aware of.. may I jog your mind? Listen to FREE UP & FORWARD.
G-Terra FREE UP & FORWARD Full VisualArt
G-Terra FREE UP & FORWARD #Full#VisualArt

G-Terra – FREE UP and FORWARD [Reggae] Visual art effects. SUBSCRIBE for more🌎🙏🏾 Stay tuned for a new Album!!! Written & Produced by G-Terra, Riddim creation by Snowbeats. Coordination by Solgie Rokcstone Studio Mix by Gadzone Production. Mastered & Released by Terra Entertainment Group. Distributed by Tunecore. Visit G-Terra